Ch 5 – 4 – Cleatus a Student

If you’ve read the rough draft, this was not part of the story at all :D

Hope you’re enjoying these surprises!

I made my new year resolution to spend more time on my own site and respond to people more in a timely matter!  That’s why you’ve been seeing me a lot lately.  Thank you all for your comments, they are such a joy to read!


I’m sorry to have to do this, I’m only doing this as a last resort rather than going on hiatus!  Sadly, this is the last page for January.  The comic will be updating every other week until maybe June or July?  I’m going to aim for sooner than that.  I will make announcement once it’s back on schedule!  This is because in May I’ll be well into my 3rd trimester and will be delivering my first baby.  I’m going to try an get book 2 done before my due date and after that I will need some time to recover.  I have to space out the updates because I’m not able to produce comics at my normal speed, can’t sit for long. This is my first child, both my husband and I are the eldest child in the family so this is both our parents first grandchild so it’s a huge deal family thing.  I will try to work on the comic whenever I can, hopefully no complications comes up.  I will keep you all updated!

To get notification of updates please follow me on FB, Twitter, Tumblr

For those who are supporting me on Patreon (I can’t thank you enough for the help! With the current USD exchange rate you’re taking care of my hosting and art supplies), I will still be updating as usual since it’s mostly work in progress.  If you’re considering on helping me out financially it would be awesome since my income will be cut in half during Maternity leave, I give awards starting at the lowest donation of $1.  Soon I will be revamping the rewards, I’m making some gifts to be sent out for the $5+ Patrons I will make announcement when they are ready!

Thank you for your understanding :)


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  • Keys2tkingdom

    Well. That IS new.

    I love when I don’t know what going to happen next in a story.

    • Keys2tkingdom

      That moment when your computer that you use to draw things completely dies then you’re stuck posting comments with your outdated tablet…

      While I had originally planned to post a piece of original art here wishing you “Congratulations” and “Good luck” with you pregnancy MP, but that will have to wait until I can see if I can salvage my PC or at least some of the data before that happens.

      Still, I’m sending you best wishes and prayers for a safe pregnancy from North Alabama.

      P.S. This vaguely reminds me of a female-only Gladiator power from the roughdraft. *winces*

      • Morbidprince

        Thanks Keys! Aaww I know what you mean that happens to me too… would have love to see what you drew!

        North Alabama!! Want to go there someday :D do they welcome weird Canadians? hahaha

        I’m worry that sleep is something I will probably not be having in awhile *~*

        • Keys2tkingdom

          Sleep will come. Just make sure you have help and it will go a bit smoother.

          And I think Sanu will confirm, we have our share of weird people here. So a few more weird people visiting shouldn’t cause any sort of disturbance. But North Alabama isn’t exactly a tourist hotspot you need to go farther south to Central Alambama or to Mobile and the Gulf Coast for real tourist attractions – Or go North to Tennessee and see Nashville and Memphis.

          The only thing we have where I live is an aerospace museum, some scenic hiking trails, and a few seasonal events that tend to warrant a glance every now and again.

          • Sanu Wolff

            I live in one of the historical zones so if you’re into black history my town is one XD

      • Sanu Wolff

        o.o I also live in north alabama, if you mean USA of course

        • Keys2tkingdom

          I do. Do the locations The Space and Rocket Center and Big Spring Park mean anything to you?

          • Sanu Wolff

            It does but I’m closer to the flight museum. But I was born up there XD.

  • Genos-sensei-senpai-san

    “Take your clothes off.” Way to get straight to the point.

    • Morbidprince

      Someone has to say it D:

  • Subaru

    Oh good, I knew there was more nudity in the future but this soon helps .😊😈

    • Morbidprince

      haha putting my anatomy knowledge to the test soon @w@

  • Tiswali

    Your backgrounds are always so AMAZINGLY detailed. I can easily imagine you as a pro, it would explain a lot if you are. I love all the textures (especially the star fish) and the color scheme of Titus’ office.

    • Morbidprince

      Aaw thank you :D I had to put my interior design education to use somehow. I can’t tell you how pent up I was about making background when I started the first page of this comic.. I am getting more comfortable… still get the occasional cold feet before I start a page XD.

  • Dibu-JohnDoe

    Congratulations on your pregnancy and baby on the way! I sincerely hope no one complains about the new schedule, seeing as how difficult it is to produce weekly pages in between your real life obligations. I love your attention to detail, from the wood grain to the interior design and accessories <3 amazing as usual.

    • Morbidprince

      Aaaw thank you!! I hope so too, I would miss the weekly interaction / feedback I get when there’s a new page up tho :( But I didn’t want to completely stop updating and 1 page a month seems too unreasonable. So far at least I’m able to keep up with the production :).

      And thank you! I slowly starting to have more fun with my backgrounds X3

  • TheOneWithTheBook

    CONGRATS ON YOUR FIRST BABY!!! Also, take as much time as need, and be careful not to push yourself too hard. :)

    • Morbidprince

      Thank you!! That is good advice… with all the stuff happening I will try to relax more :D

  • TwilightDreamer

    oooo, didn’t see that plot twist in the story coming :)
    omg congratulations! :D Don’t worry in the slightest about the updates, take as much time as you need :) very happy for you.

    • Morbidprince

      Thanks Twilight! And there’s more twist to come XD Hopefully good twists! And Thank you for your understanding!

  • Sanu Wolff

    Congrats and take it easy! You deserve a break and you will need it. ^.^ I hope and pray that you have a wonderful hiatus and a quieter newborn ;)
    My mom said I was a glass cracker.

    • Morbidprince

      Thanks Sanu! Uh oh, my mom swore I never slept.. same with my husband when he was a baby.. I’m worry now LOL I’ll sleep as much as I can I suppose haha

      • DinkyPuff

        I have two teenagers and when they were babies one had colic and drove me nuts…however she had a schedule and stuck to it precisely. My youngest was the mellowest baby I’ve ever seen. She too had a schedule and the only hard thing about her was.. her 2 yr old sister. LOL I lived for 10am and 3pm aka nap time.
        What I’m getting at: each baby is different. What one does (even their parents) the other may not necessarily do.

  • deviun

    I’m certain everyone will understand. May they be happy and healthy and not scream a lot or throw them self down concrete stairs (it’s a funny story actually)

    • Morbidprince

      Tell me the story!!

      And thanks :D definitely trying to prepare myself for the lack of sleep that will be coming O_o

      • DinkyPuff

        Just sleep when baby sleeps.

  • leosapiens

    Some people would just say “wear this” instead of “take your clothes off”. Just saying…

    • Morbidprince

      sure :)

  • leosapiens

    Also, he’s way too old to be a student, come on

    • Morbidprince

      Never too old to learn :)

  • Why do people always have to word things so . . . just why? “Take off your clothes?” XD I have to admit that is a classic

    • Morbidprince

      I know right??? Especially when there’s nothing sexual here :P

  • Red

    Ohh, congrats for the baby. It’s a journey that you and your hubby are about to start. Enjoy it, it’s the best thing in the world.

  • Red

    By the way, he looks like Hunter x Hunter’s Leorio… hehehe…